Monday, January 31, 2005

Real Men Love Jesus

It must be true, because it was stencilled in huge letters on the back window of a some guy's pickup truck in the parking lot at work.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Grocery store

Lately, I've been doing most of the grocery shopping in our household. Heidi compiles the list and I head out and get the goods. (Before I forget, I must comment on the lists she compiles for me. Knowing that I don't really enjoy the grocery store, she does all she can to make it as painless as possible. So, when she creates the grocery list, she writes the items in the order in which I will come upon them on the shelves of the store - starting from produce, and finishing with any toiletries. Isn't that nice? I think so.) There is something that really bugs me about the grocery store though. What irks me the most, is other shoppers. It's amazing how preoccupied people get with their own grocery buying. They seem to forget that there are other shoppers in the store. Did you ever notice how you are always bumping in to people at the grocery store? Ever notice how people just leave their shopping carts in the middle of the isle, blocking all other people who want to get past? It's really, really annoying. I compare it to people who can't drive while talking on cell phones. So the next time you're grocery shopping, please be aware of everybody else. They'll appreciate it.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I'm a geek

A neutron walk into a bar and orders a beer. He pulls out his wallet to pay, but the bartender won't accept his money. "For you," the bartender says, "no charge."


Thursday, January 06, 2005

Jenny, are you there? (867-5309)

This person clearly had too much time on their hands...

Jenny, are you there? (867-5309)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Rent a Midget

I think they're serious...

"Think about the best party you've ever been to, wouldn't it have been better if there was a midget there? Another boring day at the office, why not have one of our little people go down and bring some life in there!"

If you think you need a midget around to bring a smile to your face, visit them here.