Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Dance, White Boy, Dance

I'm sure this was staged, but it's still funny...

Dance, White Boy, Dance

Monday, February 21, 2005


In my previous post, I used the word "blog" and "blogging" a few times. Before publishing my post, I spell-checked it. Did you know that the dictionary used by this site ( does not contain an entry for "blog" or "blogging"? Crazy, eh? I bet Alanis Morissette would have sung about it back in the 90s...

New Blog

I have created a new blog on another blogging site. Not that I write here very often, but the content will be slightly different on the new blog. Mostly family-related items and what not. The reason it's on MSN is because it offers space for photo albums as well as blogging. Take a look at the new blog here.

P.S. I pretty much use Firefox exclusively now as my web browser. However, I must admit that the photo album feature of the new blog is much nicer if you're using Internet Explorer.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Napoleon Dynamite

I had heard from several people that they thought this was the funniest movie of all time. So as I was flipping through the channels last night, I saw that it was playing on one of my movie channels. Because of the hype, I decided to watch it. I had been hoping for an hour and a half of gut-splitting comedy. I was sadly disappointed. While it did generate a few laughs (I particularly liked the dance routine near the end of the movie), I found it pretty dull overall.

It always seems that when a movie generates hype, I am very disappointed. I enjoy movies much more when I watch them with few or no expectations.

Read more about "Napoleon Dynamite" at