Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Napoleon Dynamite

I had heard from several people that they thought this was the funniest movie of all time. So as I was flipping through the channels last night, I saw that it was playing on one of my movie channels. Because of the hype, I decided to watch it. I had been hoping for an hour and a half of gut-splitting comedy. I was sadly disappointed. While it did generate a few laughs (I particularly liked the dance routine near the end of the movie), I found it pretty dull overall.

It always seems that when a movie generates hype, I am very disappointed. I enjoy movies much more when I watch them with few or no expectations.

Read more about "Napoleon Dynamite" at IMDB.com.

1 comment:

The Other Person said...

That movie is awesome. But you can't watch it alone. Otherwise, who would you say things like, "Gawwwwd" and "Can you bring me my chapstick?" to for a laugh? Your wife won't get it if she didn't watch. Also, get stoned and watch it again.