Sunday, February 05, 2006

Worst Superbowl™ Commercials Ever?

I think so. In my opinion, Budweiser had the two best:

1. The Clydesdale foal, trying to pull the cart
2. The crowd at a stadium, simulating beer pouring into a glass by holding colored cards over their heads

There were obviously a whole bunch of commercials that I can't remember, which means that they just didn't work. And then there was the worst: The Burger King song and dance (wtf!?)

Since I can actually remember the BK commercial, I suppose it could be considered a success. It was so bad though, that it really makes me want avoid Burger King, rather than eat there.

You can see all the commercials at

1 comment:

Eric Schulz said...

I thought the Kermit Ford Escape Hybrid commercial was good. I remembered 36MPG!