Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Important question

I am breaking my 6-month long hiatus from blogging to ask this very important question...

Does anybody really care about the NBA?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm... lol well to answer your question about the NBA, NO, nobody cares. It's all about the football :D

Now that I've answered your question, will you answer one for me?
I saw that you've been to see the Trans Siberian orchestra a few times so I figured you are the perfect person to ask :)

I just bought tickets to it (ATX, Frank Erwin Center venue) but I am worried that they are not good seats. Could you share with me you opinion since you've been.

I have section 3 row 5 seats 9 and 10. They are as far to the right (or the left, depending on the perspective) and only 5 rows from the stage. I am worried though that they will be to close and that I won't be able to see the entire stage from so far over and so close. What do you think? I have been offered some tickets in section 39 row 2 as a trade option. I know for a fact that I'd have a good view from there but then again it could be to far away.

The only reason I am obsessing over this is because I bought them as a Christmas gift for my husband who has always wanted to see them. Plus I paid an arm and a leg for the ones I have so I want to make sure everything is perfect.

I really appreciate your time and assistance.



Please feel free to e-mail me back at junebugbaby83@yahoo.com if you get a chance. :)