Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Yahoo Music Engine Plugins

As I discussed yesterday, I recently downloaded the Yahoo Music Engine (YME) as a part of my search to replace Windows Media Player as my media library management software. One thing I failed to mention about the YME was that it has a completely customizable plug-in architecture. This allows anybody with moderate software development skills to write their own code that runs inside the YME.

You want the YME to do something, but it doesn't do it "out of the box"? Write it yourself. Sounded interesting, so I gave it a go.

As a test, I wanted to see if I could search my library for tracks who's metadata did not contain a URL for album art. (I'm kind of picky about little things like that. When I play a song, I want the album cover to be displayed.) Since the YME automatically attempted to update the metadata with this information when it created my library, I was curious to see how efficient it was.

I assumed that to create a plugin, I was going to have to brush the dust off of some of my old C++ books. It's been a while since I've written C++, but I was up for it. As it turns out, creating a plugin couldn't be easier. The Yahoo team was kind enough to expose almost the entire programming interface through COM components. Better yet, they have created a mechanism by which YME will host an HTML page thereby allowing you to create simple HTML forms and use Javascript to access the Engine's API.

Anyway, I didn't spend much time on it, but I did get some results. The image below is a screen capture of my plugin after if performed the search in my library.

So that you can see how little code I wrote, here's the entire source:

<script language="javascript" src="yme.js"></script>
<object classid="clsid:5F810AFC-BB5F-4416-BE63-E01DD117BD6C" height=90% width=100% id=datagrid VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM NAME="CheckBoxes" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="ShowAlways" VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME="FullRowSel" VALUE="0">
<A href="javascript:startSearch()">Search</a><br>

datagrid.AddColumn("Artist", 150, 0, 0);
datagrid.AddColumn("Album", 150, 0, 0);
datagrid.AddColumn("Track Title", 150, 0, 0);

function startSearch()
mediaDatabase = window.external.MediaDatabase;
allMedia = mediaDatabase.GetAllMedia();

itemIndex = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < allMedia.Count; i++ )
media = allMedia.Item( i );
metaData = media.Metadata;

imageUrl = metaData.GetPredefinedValue( METADATA_IMAGE );

if( imageUrl == null || imageUrl.length == 0 )
datagrid.SetRowData( itemIndex, 10 );
datagrid.SetElement( itemIndex, 0, metaData.GetPredefinedValue( METADATA_ARTIST ) );
datagrid.SetElement( itemIndex, 1, metaData.GetPredefinedValue( METADATA_ALBUM ) );
datagrid.SetElement( itemIndex, 2, metaData.GetPredefinedValue( METADATA_TITLE ) );

I also had to manually add a key to the registry that enabled the "Al's Plugin" item to show up in the left-hand navigation pane of the YME.

All in all, I am pretty impressed. I might just keep it around a little longer.

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