Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Fry's Electronics

So I made a quick stop by Fry's today on my way home from work. While waiting in the rather short line to check out, something occurred to me. What I noticed while waiting to hand over my hardly earned cash is certainly not earth-shattering, nor is it something that I hadn't noticed on previous trips to Fry's.

99% of Fry's employees are physically unattractive people.

Now, I know this is not a particularly nice thing to say, but unfortunately (for Fry's employees - and patrons) it's true. I am not sure why this is the case. Some might say that the merchandise sold at Fry's requires a certain type of person sell it. Perhaps a "nerdy" person is more apt to sell this stuff because they are considered quite knowledgeable in the area in which they sell. The problem is, Fry's employees often know less about their products than my 2 year old son. It doesn't add up.

To further my point, consider this. I can buy most of the same stuff at other chains such as Best Buy, Circuit City or Radio Shack where the employees in these retailers are generally more attractive (ok, maybe not Radio Shack). Walk into Best Buy and you'll usually see a relatively attractive college or high school student working the floor or check out counter. Don't get me wrong - some of the employees at these places are as equally unattractive as employees at Fry's, but the percentage of unattractiveness is substantially higher at Fry's.

So why is this the case? Does Fry's go out of its way to hire these folk? I sincerely believe the answer is YES. My theory is that Mr. Fry (if that's his real name) was himself an unattractive introvert and set out to give people like himself a fighting chance in the fashion-model-Barbie-loving real world.

So the next time you're at Fry's, take a good look around at the staff - if you can stomach it.


Texas Butt Nuggett said...

Every now and then you find one that's "decent enough" looking. Those are always happy times...

The Other Person said...

I hear Dell employees are pretty ugly, too. Is that true? I've never bought a Dell so maybe I'm just repeating rumours.

Smashli said...

I have found that the only place to get intelligent, attractive employees is as Papa's Pub in Port Hawkesbury, when Cathy Bang-Bang is working.